Back from Southeast Asia Mega-trip

Oof.  What day is it? What hour is it?  We just got back from a trip to Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam and are massively jet-lagged.  I’ll be writing about the trip, the thing we saw, the places we visited, and the food we ate.

We have a friend who is from Penang, Malaysia, and have wanted to visit Penang and see it as he sees it.  A bunch of stars aligned, and we finally got to do that this year.  In addition to Penang, we also visited Ipoh, Malaysia, an old tin mining town that has many well-preserved 19th and early 20th century shophouses; Bangkok, Thailand; Chiang Mai, Thailand, for the old city and elephant sanctuary; and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (formerly Saigon, and still called that by locals).

Enough for now, I need to get some groceries.  And probably a nap.